Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Australian Allis Chalmers Register

The idea behind this registry is to document Allis Chalmers Tractors and Machinery sold in Australia and help provide information on these units to aid restoration of those remaining. The register will be updated as new information comes to hand and hardcopies will be available for those collectors who aren’t able to access the internet.

A lot of the machines currently in our register come from extensive work complied a number of years ago by Owen Triggell (deceased) with several more machines added in the time this register has been active. The register has been spurred into action after the work put in by Kaye and Stephen Richards efforts to organise an Allis Chalmers gathering at the National Rally in Hamilton and subsequent newsletter for Allis Chalmers enthusiasts.

Personally I have a history of collecting Allis Chalmers Tractors which started with purchasing a WF in 1995 after helping my grandfather with his Allis’ on weekends. My grandfather was a fan of the brand, selling his team of ten Clydesdale Horses to buy his first tractor, a Model A in 1937 which was also the first rubber tyred tractor in the Mallee region of Victoria. Several other Allis’ were bought over the years for farm work and in retirement it was decided finding and restoring an old tractor could reignite the Allis flame. Fast forward to today and I have 5 Allis Chalmers Tractors along with a Roto-Baler which currently reside in the Lockington and District Living Heritage Complex.
Personal information provided to the register is confidential, if collectors would like to contact other owners details will only be forwarded with consent of the collector, there is an option on the form to allow your phone and email address only to be forwarded to fellow collectors on the register, further information will only be available with the direct consent of the owner. It is hoped that other collectors will share their knowledge with the register both on the machines themselves along with dealership histories and personal stories. Attached is a copy of a register form to be filled out (if you have more tractors you can copy the form or just forward those details on a separate page) which can be either emailed to me direct or sent via traditional mail to the details below. We would also love to see photos of your machine, which can be sent via email or hardcopy (which I am happy to send back). The information shared on the register will only include Model, Serial No, Engine No, Year, Condition and State. If you are happy with that please circle yes, otherwise circle no and this will not appear on the public register. For any queries on this please don’t hesitate in contacting me directly to discuss this.

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